Monday, January 23, 2006 

"Second Post of the Day" or "Perhaps I need a Job"

I've finished hemming the tablecloth. The ladies look like bugs or possibly tortilla chips from far away, one of the attractions of the material to my mind.

It is sitting on the ironing board, which doubles as my sewing table because I have a small, portable sewing machine.

The new tablecloth is replacing (some weeks) this:

I asked Phil if he was upset that I picked out new material for the kitchen. He said "a little, because now it won't always be Halloween in the kitchen." As you can see, we don't use tablecloths for the traditional purposes, partly because we don't have a table. Instead, we use them to cover up the old office style desk that acts as an extra kitchen surface.

The scarf I was making from scraps is done. I thought it came out nice; it used a lot of really nice yarn so it's all textury.


Crafty you-know-whats

The Knottie Knitter's clever idea to have a crafting day, entitled Crafty Bitches, resulted in:

The bucket, not the cat.

So it rather looks like something Dorothy Gale threw up, but it was fun and now it holds my current project. I'm not very good at crafting so there is no surprise. Cristina has another picture of it in her blog, along with the other projects made yesterday (er...don't compare mine to theirs or it looks even worse). In her pic I'm doing the weird pinky-out thing I sometimes do and I look like I eat small children for breakfast, and possibly a late afternoon snack, so ignore me and look at the bucket.

I did make the needle case I was contemplating. It is based loosely on the needle case in Stitch and Bitch .

With the leftover material, I made myself a knitting bag.

I'm hoping to finish the hem of my table cloth today. Perhaps, if you are very very lucky, I will post some pictures of that.

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